It will be a sombre week for our family. We're attending an inquest into the accidental death of a loved one. Perhaps it will provide some much needed closure or some understanding of how it all transpired. We don't really know what to expect, but we will go and hope that something positive can come out of it all.
I've been stressing about the small things as I prepare myself. It makes for a good distraction. Like, what does one wear to court these days? Will it be air conditioned? Do they give coffee breaks? I'll be damned if there is a coffee break and I'm forced to eat some courthouse "baked good". It might be hard enough to stomach what I hear in that court room, let alone trying to stomach a processed treat.
So, what's a worrying girl left to do? Why bake of course! Scones that can pack in a purse and into a courtroom. Not a scone traditional, purists may not like the use of ricotta or a food processor in preparation. If you don't own a food processor, click on the link below to the original recipe I've adapted and follow the instructions for using a pastry cutter.
Using the food processor means for less mess and a quick assembly. I've been known to whip up a batch of these before work some mornings. The kids love to walk to school with a warm one in their hands and I'm always welcomed at work with a basket of these. Made entirely from whole grains and with little sugar, these guys are on the edge of healthy, right up until you put the butter and whipping cream in. They taste best the day they are made and at our place, they often don't last longer than that anyway.
Blueberry Whole Grain Ricotta Scone
adapted from smitten kitchen
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup barley flour
1/2 cup oat bran flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 cup sugar
6 Tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup blueberries (reserve 18 for topping)
3/4 cup ricotta
1/3 cup whipping cream
Preheat oven to 425degrees.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Transfer the dough to a well-floured counter and shape into a square. Cut into 9 squares and then half each square to make 18 triangles. Put one whole blueberry on top of each piece.
Bake scones for about 10-12 min, until starting to brown on edges. Cool on baking sheet for a few minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack. Enjoy!
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